At a recent workshop, Milford City Council heard from the “Marijuana Czar,” Office of the Marijuana Commission Rob Coupe, about the legalization of marijuana legislation passed by the state last year. Milford is currently considering an ordinance related to retail marijuana sales within city limits. Prior to the presentation by Coupe, several residents spoke out against allowing retail sales of …
Public hearing planned regarding retail marijuana sales
The City of Milford is inviting the public to provide input during a public hearing on October 28, 2024 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall, 201 S. Walnut Street, Milford, DE. The City is considering an ordinance to amend the City’s zoning code to address the sale, testing, cultivation and production of medical and recreational marijuana. The public hearing …
Milford looking at regulations for recreational marijuana retail outlets
With the deadline looming for municipalities to determine where they will allow retail outlets for recreational marijuana, which is March 2025, Milford City Council heard a presentation from City Planner Rob Pierce regarding the options available and recommended timeline for creating an ordinance related to the issue. Pierce provided information that showed medical marijuana and recreational marijuana as well as …
New bill would expand access to medical marijuana cards
Delaware Democrats filed new legislation Thursday that would enhance patient access to medical marijuana and revamp the framework of the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act. House Bill 285, sponsored by Rep. Ed Osienski, D-Newark, would remove the requirement that a patient must have a debilitating medical condition to qualify for a registry identification card. Instead, health-care providers would determine whether a …
Bill OKing medical marijuana patients owning guns heads to Senate floor
A bill that would allow medical marijuana patients to obtain a firearm will head to the Senate floor. The bill, which passed the House on June 14, continued to draw strong public support before it was passed 6-0 by the Senate Health and Social Services Committee Wednesday. Under House Bill 276, a patient registered in Delaware’s medical marijuana program would …
City considers medical marijuana restriction
by Terry Rogers Milford City Council discussed a possible policy change that would prohibit employees from holding a medical marijuana card At a recent workshop, Milford City Council discussed a recommendation from City Manager Mark Whitfield and Human Resource Director Jamesha Williams to deny city employees the ability to obtain a medical marijuana card. Because the city receives …