Mental Health Association of Delaware is contracted by the State of Delaware to train individuals as peer counselors. The counselors work with others who may be dealing with mental health issues, substance abuse or both and the program provides the training they need to become nationally certified. “A lot of times individuals with substance use disorder really do have mental …
Dirt Therapy: Benefits of Gardening for Mental Health
Everyone loves the taste of a garden-fresh vegetable; especially if they worked diligently to grow it themselves. The hard-earned harvest is not only a delicious reward but a physical one as well according to Bayhealth Family Medicine Physician Brintha Vasagar, MD. It is proven that time spent working in the dirt and warm summer sunshine are valuable to your wellbeing. Here …
Here’s how much COVID money districts, charters have spent
Districts and charters have until Sept. 30, 2024 to spend more than half a billion dollars that was provided for COVID-19 pandemic relief. Delaware received $637,239,246 in the $122 billion federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, or ESSER Funds. Distributed in three separate rounds, ESSER Funds which were allocated across three separate rounds and part of the American …
MPD unit addresses mental health over incarceration
A few years ago, Milford Police Department established a Behavioral Health Unit, an idea suggested by Councilman Jason James. According to statistics provided by Chief Cecilia Ashe at a recent board meeting, through April 2023, there have been 72 diversions from arrest, 98 diversions from the ER and 893 follow-ups by the unit. “Some of the biggest benefits to this …
Reading, teacher retention top successful 2022 education bills
Rodel, a local nonprofit espousing better education in Delaware, calls the 151st General Assembly, which just ended, the “Education General Assembly,” in regard to the number of education bills that passed. “There’s more than 50 education bills this session and a 7% increase in the budget,” said Madeleine Bayard, senior vice president of Rodel. “They got a lot done and …
Milford School District prepares for upcoming school year
Milford School District is ready for students to return to the classroom As students return to school for in-person learning, many for the first time in over a year, Milford School District is taking steps to meet learning loss after so many months of virtual and hybrid learning. “We are continuing to prioritize instructional time with our commitment to in-person …
Milford LIVE Weekly Review – August 3, 2021
Hover over the image below and a gray bar pops up at the bottom. From here, you can scroll through the pdf, forward and backward, zoom in or out in 10% increments, download the PDF, or view in full-screen mode. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”MilfordLive Aug 3″] This Week’s Top Stories Include: Headlines Milford businesses deal with staffing shortages Culture Support First …
Back to School Post-Pandemic: Let’s Talk Mental Health!
After navigating an unusual school year, children who will be returning to a full-time, in-person school setting may face some emotional and mental challenges. For parents, helping children navigate these feelings is important to their overall wellbeing and success in the classroom. Bayhealth Pediatrician Colleen Allorto, DO, offers tips for helping children adapt seamlessly and addressing the nervousness and stress …