Golfers on SDGC putting green

Southern Delaware Golf Club opens in Milford

Terry RogersHeadlines, Milford Headline Story, Sports

By Dave McCallum It had been nearly 3-1/2 years since the last drive was hit on the first tee and the final putt was sunk at the old Rookery North golf course in Milford. Milford-area golfers’ agonizing wait to strike another tee shot and sink another putt ended at 7:36 a.m. May 1 (Wednesday) when co-owner Matt Johnson of the …

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Stewart Fisher named Director of Golf at SDGC

Terry RogersAbove the fold, Headlines, Milford Headline Story, Sports

By DAVE McCALLUM Stewart Fisher developed his love of golf as a college student at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., and he’s looking forward to bringing that love to the Milford golfing community as the first director of golf at the new Southern Delaware Golf Club (SDGC), The SDGC, formerly known as Shawnee Acres and Rookery North, is tentatively …

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Community comes out in force to learn more about new golf course

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Hundreds lined up outside the new Pro Shop on the Southern Delaware Golf Course, the former Shawnee Country Club and Rookery North course currently under renovation by Tim Johnson at an open house on Saturday, December 9. Johnson explained that he held the open house to introduce people to memberships and offer branded items that could be used as Christmas …

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Updates continue on former Rookery property

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Newly named the Southern Delaware Golf Club, the former Rookery property is undergoing extensive renovations in order to open in the spring of 2024. “There was information that was put out there from the very beginning that we may possibly open nine holes sometime in September. That was probably unrealistic, especially once we got in here and started digging around …

MilfordLive Feb 28

Milford LIVE Weekly Review – Feb. 28, 2023

Sonja FreyMilford-live, Weekly Review

Click on the image below to view as a PDF This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Headlines Zoning request for Rookery property approved Culture Milford Remembers the Storm of 1962 DoMore24: Your chance to help nonprofits you like Park amenities groundbreaking ceremony planned for Saturday, March 4th Learn more about MSD’s Work-Based Learning Business Penny Square new home of photography studio …

Rookery North

Rookery property sold, will remain golf course

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

According to Tim Johnson of Johnson Companies in Smyrna, the former Rookery North will remain an 18-hole golf course after his company purchased the property recently. Although there have been many rumors about a restaurant that may be located on the property, Johnson is not ready to discuss those plans yet. “It is going to remain an 18-hole golf course, …


Greenspace preserved in update to Comp Plan

Terry RogersEnvironment, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Milford City Council approved a change to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan that would preserve areas around Deep Branch and Herring Branch as greenspace, affecting 14 parcels of land. Only a section of the former Rookery North are already annexed into the city and the city has acquired the former Sharp Farm on Rehoboth Boulevard. “The Greenway could include passive and …