a sign hanging off the side of a building

Milford LIVE Weekly Review – June 8, 2021

Betsy PriceMilford-live, Weekly Review

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This Week’s Top Headlines Include:


Council reviews final version of budget during workshop


June Jam scheduled for June 19

Milford Community Pantry provides more than food for those in need

Mr. Moribund’s Theatre of Terror returns to the Riverfront Theatre

Most plans for Independence Day fireworks go forth

Food Bank: Drive-thru pantry numbers down 50%; will re-evaluate


Republican bill would stop UD, DSU, DelTech requiring vaccines


Surf and Turf opens in Milford

Bill would toughen, widen ban on single-use plastic bags


Republican bills would cut taxes in wake of state’s revenue windfall

City of Milford enters agreement for possible purchase of land for industrial/business park


Friday’s COVID-19 numbers illustrate continuing decline in COVID-19 cases

Delaware’s vaccine goal in June: Adding 17,000 more people

Police & Fire

MPD investigating bomb threat at Walmart


Central Academy Building Future

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