The state's esports program launches this month. (Photos of Saint Mark's esports lab, taken by Jarek Rutz)

Esports popularity grows with DOE launching statewide program

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Esports is booming in popularity, with several schools in Delaware opening esports labs and colleges implementing esports curriculums or degrees – and now the state’s Department of Education is hopping on the keyboard. Friday, the department announced it’s partnering with Delaware State University, Goldey-Beacom College, University of Delaware, and Wilmington University to launch a statewide educational esports program. It’s for …

The usage and policies surrounding artificial intelligence vary widely in Delaware schools as the technology behind AI rapidly advances.

Educators grapple with how to use AI in Delaware classrooms

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Every conversation with leaders from nine Delaware colleges and high schools about artificial intelligence’s presence in the classroom reveals unique ways the evolving technology is being used.  It’s created a problem for schools and colleges wrestling with setting up their guardrails and adopting recent guidance published by the Delaware Department of Education. “AI has been in the education space for …

nurse anesthetist -- WilmU -- ChristianaCare

WilmU, ChristianaCare to launch state’s first doctorate nurse anesthetist program

Peter OsborneHeadlines, Health

WILMINGTON – There’s a long road ahead of certifications, student recruiting, and thousands of hours of hands-on clinical experience, but Wilmington University, ChristianaCare, and Anesthesia Services, P.A. (ASPA), hope to graduate students from their proposed doctorate-level nurse anesthesiology program as early as December 2028. “Christiana Care and ASPA approached us about a year and a half ago, recognizing our proven, …

Three institutions of higher education have reached an agreement to offer 12 early childhood credits.

WilmU, DelTech join DSU offer of 12 free early childhood credits

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Just weeks after Delaware State University announced a successful inaugural year of a program that trains professionals to serve the state’s youngest learners, the state’s other prominent institutions of higher education are jumping on board.  The Delaware Department of Education funds DSU’s Early Childhood Innovation Center, which offers direct support to help early childhood professionals work toward their certification as …

DOE wants students to save money, time with new credit guide

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

The state’s new credit for prior learning policy framework will reinforce a practice that WilmU has been using for more than 30 years, a practice other institutions of higher learning in the First State also follow. According to the Department of Education, the guidelines are intended to help colleges and universities develop policies and procedures for evaluating prior student learning …

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City employees complete Management Academy training

Terry RogersEducation, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Several employees with the City of Milford recently completed the Delaware Municipal Supervisory Management Academy. This is a program the city started in 2019 in partnership with Wilmington University. Katrina White, Deputy City Clerk; Joe Balog, Arborist and Urban Forestry Coordinator; Lisa Levis, Permit Technician I, Shelly Muise, Public Works Administrative Assistant and Julie Eisenbrey, Billing Clerk I all completed …

Ashley Lockwood and her students, joined by Sen. Tom Carper.

Meet Ashley Lockwood, Delaware’s 2023 Teacher of the Year

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Delaware’s teacher of the year didn’t set out to be an educator. Ashley Lockwood chose to earn a bachelor of arts in sociology from the University of Delaware in 2010. She planned to focus on how children interact with each other and develop. After graduation, she returned home to Seaford without a job and was trying to decide what her …

WilmU will join Widener as the only institutions with law schools in Delaware. (Wilmington University Facebook)

WilmU to start its own law school

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Wilmington University is starting a law school. It will be the First State’s second, joining Widener University’s Delaware Law School, which was founded in 1971. Soon-to-be-lawyers don’t have to rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend, either.  WilmU law tuition The cost for full-time students will be $24,000 per year and $18,000 for part-time students, which the university’s …